Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Saturday Night...

Well, I did do this whole "blog" thing a few months ago...So yea...Well, my friend Heather is staying with me till our friend Steph gets here from OK and then she'll stay with her. But for now we are here at my house and our kids. And we are doing our normal thing which is sit at home and watch movies till like 1 or 2 in the morning. And in a way I guess this can kinda help with my anger problems. Well, I'm super excited because my husband will be home in like 69 days!! I really can not believe how fast the last 13 or so months have flown by! I can remember tell him (Perrin, the hubby) that the time is going to by soo freaking slow that it's not funny! But looking back at it now, it did go by pretty fast! And so much has happened since he's left. Those 18 days of leave that he had wasn't enough time to show him what has happened. But hopefuly even more exciting things will happen when he gets home.
Well, today has been an eventful day I guess you can say. Once again Perrin and I didn't get to talk long because of his stupid internet but I know it's not his fault. And I'm sure he thinks that I get mad at him when it happens but I don't I just get mad at the situation because it's not like we get to talk for long periods of time. Well, Heather and I decided to go to the PX and just look around and get out of the house. Well, Mihkayla and Madison were playing in Zoey's create and I took her out so we could get ready to go bye bye's. I think that was the biggest mistake for the day. That's when the "devil" came out I would call it. Mihkaly threw the biggest tantrum ever! I've never seen her act that way..well except once...and that was Monday. That's a different story for a different day. But this one was so bad I seriously went crazy for like an hour or two. She didn't not want to get out of the create for one, two she didn't want to pick up the toys that were in the create, three she didn't want to get dressed. It was horrible and I didn't even want to leave the house with her acting that way. Oh and I didn't say that it went on for about an hour or so. And then we went to the park twice today which was great for Mihkayla because she was soo tired!! And I can't wait till summer gets here because that's what we are going to be doing on the weekends so I can to sleep in at least one day of the week.
So, then we went to Hastings to rent some movies and start my little card thingy...Well, that took for ever and a day to start, but we got our movies. And the kids are in bed and we are watching movies....We will see what time we eventually get to bed tonight!!!!!!!

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