Ok, so ya it has been over a year since I last blogged. And I'm sorry and a lot has happened since then. My husband came home from a 15 month deployment, my sweet Mihkayla turned 2, my husband and I and Steph and Garrett went to Acapulco (Heather and Jason were suppose to come, but they couldn't and would have been great to have them), I found out I was pregnant with our second child, and we moved from Fort Campbell, Ky. to Fort Hood, Tx. That was just in the last few months of 2009. Since 2010 started we got settled in out house at Fort Hood, I had my 24th birthday, and we had are baby girl Kaleigh on March 2, 2010 and she was 8lb 13oz and 20 inches long.
Since moving to Hood, I've wanted to try to be more involved with Perrin's unit and what. But the way things are looking it's not going to happen because his unit is crap, so I think. I mean he's been screwed a lot since we've moved here. I mean over things that aren't that big of a deal and for stuff he has nothing to do with or any control over. It's funny how, when we were at Campbell I said I can't wait to get outta here and now that I'm outta there I wish I was back. And I wish I was back for many reasons. One is that I was close to my mom, that was the only family that I was close to, both my sisters live up north and I haven't seen one them since 2005 when I left for basic training. I really don't talk to my famliy as much as I'd like to, we are all grown up and became different people. I really don't know many of my family members anymore. I don't talk to a lot of my cousins and aunts n uncles much. I can't even say that I really have any family. But that's a complete different blog, haha. Two is I had some good friends there, one of which happened to move to Hood too!!, and I didn't realize it till after I left how good of friends they were. But we all have to move on I guess? Three is that I had a great babysitter who Mihkayla loved and still loves so much. I didn't think that she'd remember much of them cause she was only 2 1/2, but she surprises me all the time when she comes outta no where with things that she's done with her friends. And four is that I had a house there, that we bought. I mean it wasn't a big lovely house, but it was our house and we couldn't sell it in time before we left and would have had to put money into selling it, which we didn't have. It sucks going from something that is yours to go to something that isn't yours. And I mean we didn't have the chance to come down here to look for a place to live or anything so we had to settle with living on post. It's really not that bad, but it's just a difference then having your own house to something not yours. Another issue that is getting me is my school. It's so much harder to find reasonable day care for two kids then it is for one. And I'm almost done with school, I mean I still have about a year left, but that's a lot closer to where I was this time last year. But with how the school does things a lot different here with paying for classes and what not. I just don't know. I don't if I should get a job or just keep going to school, but either way I'll need day care and i just can't afford to pay for day care over $400 every two weeks. I don't know.
Well, I need to go and get some things done. I'm going to either try and write once a day or at least once a week, depending on how busy I am.
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