So, today was a great day! The weather was really nice out and I went to the gym. I'm hoping that I can keep this routin so I will be looking great when Perrin comes home. I just hope that I am some what tan before he comes home too! Lol! Yes, it's funny! Well, the gym would have been great, but I totaly forgot my ipod. And I was so pissed! Heather even offered to go back to the house to get it, but we were already on post and I just delt with it. it sucked really bad. But I am thankful that Heather tried to entertain me by singing. It was quit funny! So, since Perrin is gone, I have to use a POA for things that only have Perrin's name on it and not mine. So, I'm trying to find out some of his truck information and these people thought that I had the time and the minutes to play phone tag. I think that it's just retarded in some situations that I can't find some info out for him. Like now if I was trying to open a credit card or get a loan in his name, then I can understand. But I'm just trying to figure out how much is left on his loan and these people just want to give me hell! Ugh!
I got my computer back after like a week and a half. It was infected with a 167 viruses! From my understanding that is a lot and not good. And the virus that got it was a bad one too! Man, it would have been great if I knew what to do...cause it would have been a lot cheaper! Very much so! And I feel like I have to get use to it all over again! I have been so use to using the laptop. But I am very greatful that I have it back. This week is my off week. I am out of class for the week and then I start back up again next week. This whole time change thing had thrown me out of wack! Like I woke up and it seems like the day just flew by me. And I really didn't do anything today, but go to the gym, go to kinkos, pick up the girls, go the park, and then picked up the comp. I mean that looks like a lot but it really wasn't.
So, we went to the park again today and the girls had soo much fun. I just think that it's funny that Mihkayla does not like to leave. Yesterday and today when we left the park, you would have thought that I was beating her or something. Like she just really didn't want to leave. She needed a diaper change and needed to eat dinner and didn't want to do anything. And all I could do is laugh because it was soo cute that she didn't want to leave. But, she was so tired and when I put her to bed she was out like a light within 5 minutes or so. I'm happy that she is now old enough to play with the other girls now and she's getting so freaking big! Like I remembe when she just started to crawl and then she started's so sad because Perrin missed it and it hurts a lot. But I know that there's nothing that we could have done about it and it's just apart of being an Army wife. And worst of all it broke my heart into pieces when he came home on R/R and she wouldn't go to him. I know that Perrin and I talked bout how she might act when he came home and that was what most likely going to happen. I guess I just wasn't prepared for it. I mean I was already crying because it was so surreal to be touching him. But I only have like 67 days or so left and I'm so freaking excited!! And another thing that I'm happy about it that the semester of college will be ending right before he comes home. And it was just like this when he came home for R/R. So, I have been so lucky with this. And I am so thankful for it to.
Well, this week I'm going to try to do some outside work because our front yard has this rediculous bushes that I am so going to get rid of when Perrin comes home because I don't feel like triming them every month or so. And I just want to put some pretty flowers in there to make the house more welcoming. And I just want to do something different. I want our house to stick out (in a good way!!) So, that when it comes time to sell it that people would be like ooo lets look at this house! I duno, I just think that it would be great to just do something different. It is our house and our property so why not? Right? There are just so many things that I want to do, but I don't want to do anything till I find out if we are moving or not. I mean yes if we did do things to better the house it would probably sell for more (But I doubt it with the way the economy is!), but I don't want to put money into it if we are going to need that money to move to anther state. There are so many things that come with moving and getting things started or switched over! So, I guess we will see!!
Ok, Zoey, our cute little mut (Jack Russal Terrier, Pug, and American Bulldog Mix) is about 5 months old. And I know that dogs loose their teeth just like we do, but Heather googled about puppies losing their teeth. And it said that it is true that dogs loose their teeth like we do, but it is rare that you find them. So, tell me why I have been so lucky to find the 2 that she's lost so far. Like I happen to see something on the floor and it was a tooth and I happened to step on the other and it didn't feel to good. I am so glad that I did find them because I'm sure that Mihkayla would have tried to put them in her mouth or something like that. It's weird but I love her with all my heart!! And who can't love this sweet little pup of mine!!
This is the very first picture of Zoey! Isn't she so freaking cute!!
This is such a cute picture of her, she wanted to play when we were going to bed. It was very cute!
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