O.M.G!! Look at Mihkayla when she was like 5-8 months old!! She looks soooo chunky and cute!!

Me and Zoey laying on the couch...being lazy like always....

Mihkayla and I again...I was bored and trying to keep her entertained!!

Mihkayla and I...You can see her eczema really bad...poor thing...

Mihkayla and Zoey...Aren't they so cute!

This is what happens when we are together!!

Daddy and Mihkayla...They look so much alike...She's just got my eye color and hair!! Yay!

Mihkayla wearing daddy's hat and glasses...We miss you and love you!!!

Tiger and Shadow...All grown up! They are trying to chase a moth......How cute....

Here are the "boys" Tiger and Shadow! Look how small and cute they are!!
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