Ok, so Spring forward has soo many meanings at this moment! Like one would be my husband coming home from his 15 month deployment. Another would be that my little girl will be turning 2 and she's getting so big. Well, today started off kinda uhhh....Perrin texted me at like 630 but it was really 730 because I forgot to change my alarm clock ahead. But it was not big deal Mihkayla slept till 9 so I can't complain. And we talked for awhile but it really wasn't a great conversation for the fact that we were texting and once I got on the computer he was getting off to go do things. That made me soo upset and mad because it's like he didn't care that I got on the computer to talk. I mean it's kinda hard to text and change a diaper and just to do a lot of things. And as the spring comes...there are a lot of things that I want to do to the house. Now that I'm out of the Army, there are so many things I can do now. Like when Steph gets here and if all of want to go do something during the day...I can cause I'm not at work!! This summer has so many things...and I'm going to make sure that we are booked for the summer!
So, I have been thinking about a lot of things that are and will be going on. As some of my friends will be moving on to add another chapter in their lives, I think that we will be doing the same. I know that things happen for a reason and people come in your life for a reason too. It's just that it's going to be sad to see some people leave and it's going to be really sad for us to leave here. Like we've only been in our house for a year and my husband has only lived in it for like a total of 2 months. So, that kinda sucks. And we have all these ideas for our house...and now we have to put them on hold just till we find out if we are going to be moving or not. And then leaving my friends will be soo sad. I know that being an Army wife you might move a million times or you might move once. And some people are going to come and go and I don't want these friends to just come and go. The sad thing is that we all might be on each corner of the U.S. And that's a hell of a road trip!!! It would consit of leaving the east coast (if we move to Ft. Bragg, NC) to Texas (where Steph and Garrett might go to school at) and then to Alaska (where Heather and Jason are going back to). That's like days in between each destination. Then if we all move we wont have each other to lean on when our guys leave again. Which sucks because we know each other really well. We know when to be there and when to just give them their space. That's one of sad things of being an Army wife. Being an Army wife is such a big deal. Like all these "other" women complain bout their husbands being on a business trip for a few days...and how things just aren't going right for them and how the kids are such a handful...Are you Freaking Serious!! Try having your husband being gone for a year or 15 months! And try having them miss the firsts of everything and try going to school, work, and then come home and be a mom and a wife. This is a tough job and it takes special person to be an Army wife! If you are a civilian and don't think it's hard come step in my shoes for about a month!! Then let me know what you think!!
School, gosh there is no ending story about this! Like Perrin and I talked bout when I first got out of the Army that I would just go to school and try to get as much as I can do. Then I would find a job if I need to. But now it's like we can't afford for me to not get a job. And I know that some people can do it but I don't want to work during the day and then go to school at night. And after Perrin gets back from this deployment he'll be home for a few months then go to school for like 3 months and will come home for another few months and then will probably deploy again. So, I don't want to go to school at night and miss spending time with my family. And he wants to have another baby too. So, all this in the mixing pot is not the best mix. I mean I'll put things on hold, but you have to give a little to get a little.
Well, I've wrote a lot just now...So, I'm going to upload some more pics and then will write again later...
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